Content that is optimized for mobile use refers to content that, when accessed via phone, is displayed in a format that is easy to read, has uncomplicated options to choose from, and minimizes the amount of scrolling involved.
The Importance of Mobile Content Marketing
Nearly everyone in America today is in possession of a smartphone that’s never more than an arm’s length away, and that’s ready to provide its user with a plethora of information. The use of mobile phones is so great, in fact, that 15% of worldwide Internet browsing is done via phone rather the computer. To keep up with the mobile phenomenon and to stay ahead of competitors, a focus on content marketing for mobile use is a must.
Mobile content marketing doesn’t just provide the user with a way to access content; it also makes the content user-friendlier when being accessed with a phone, reducing stress and frustration that accompanies a non-mobile-optimized site. In order to provide useful information to the user or customer in a way that is easy and straightforward, optimizing content for mobile use is both business savvy and compulsory.
What to Consider When Optimizing
Before beginning the mobile-optimization process, content marketers should consider some of the following questions:
Is mobile-optimization worth it?
The answer to this question is a resounding “yes.” Even if a website looks OK when accessed through a phone, there’s always room for improvement. The quicker adaptations and changes for mobile use are made, the more likely it is that content marketers will stay ahead of their competitors.
What are the re-design options?
Those who are ready to optimize their sites for mobile use have a couple of options regarding the type of website and mobile site they’ll operate: first, they can choose a single design that will automatically display content optimally for the type of device its accessed on, i.e., the website will look one way when accessed on a computer, and alter itself to look a different way when accessed on a phone. This type of website is known as responsive web design, as it responds differently to different devices.The second option that content marketers have when redesigning their websites for mobile use is to create an entirely separate website for mobile use, therefore having two websites (one for the computer, one for the phone), rather than the single responsive web page.
The second option that content marketers have when redesigning their websites for mobile use is to create an entirely separate website for mobile use, therefore having two websites (one for the computer, one for the phone), rather than the single responsive web page.
What key features should a mobile site include?
Depending upon the type of website and business needs being marketed, the necessary mobile features will vary. However, all mobile-optimized sites should have the business’s information, including contact information and address. Additionally, an option that allows the user to “click” the phone number to automatically call the business is highly recommended. Finally, if the business is selling goods or products, a way to make purchases, such as a shopping cart, is necessary
How To: Marketing for Mobile Access
Once all the proper considerations have been made, it’s time to start optimizing. Google offers a great guide to building smartphone-optimized sites, which provides information about responsive design and separate mobile sites, as well as a rundown on the different types of mobile devices.
The most important rule when designing a website that’s optimized for mobile use is this: keep it simple. A mobile website should be much less intensive than a regular website, should be easy to navigate, and should provide the user with the most basic relevant information. With that in mind, it should also be noted that simplicity doesn’t have to equate to dullness; a mobile website can still be unique and interesting while remaining simple and uncomplicated.
Another key factor in mobile content marketing is a focus on headlines and headers or the text that people will see automatically or click to get more information. When considering what the headings will be for use in a drop-down menu, for example, a business should consider who their audience is, what the business’s goals are, and how powerful the headings are. On a related note, the way that a mobile site is formatted is very important, too. Choosing the right colors, the right fonts, the right layouts, and the right visual elements—such as photos or videos—will all contribute to how effective a mobile site is.
The Best Mobile Optimized Content
There are already a multitude of businesses out there that have taken the time to focus on content marketing for mobile users. Mobile-optimized websites such as Abercrombie & Fitch, for example, have mastered a simple design and the benefits of collapsible navigation.
Wrigley, the popular gum company, also has a great mobile site that provides basic company information in a forum that’s easy to navigate and requires a simple click or finger tap.
These companies and many others are a great reference when designing a mobile site.
For businesses that want to remain competitive, a mobile-optimized website is key. To create great mobile content, keep content, layout, and design simple; choose which type of mobile site is best for business needs; and include key features such as the business’s address and contact information.
Ready to get your mobile content amplified? Contact us to get started.