Conversion Tactics

How do I set up mobile app conversion tracking with Adjust?

In order to track mobile app engagement on your Outbrain campaigns using Adjust, please use the following step-by-step guide:

1. Generate your Adjust tracker URL following the below steps:

  • Within your app that is set up with Adjust, find and select “Tracker URLs”
  • You will be directed to the “Manage Network Trackers” page. From here, select “Create New Tracker” and look for Outbrain in the drop-down menu
  • If you would like to add custom attribution windows or additional parameters (e.g. deep-linking), you can hit “Customize.” If not, you can select “Quick Create,” where it will display both a click and impression URL to share with Outbrain to begin tracking campaigns
  • Tracker URL example: https://app.adjust.com/abc123


2. Share event tokens for the in-app conversions you would like to track. Two examples below:

  • Account Created: xlbi4v
  • Subscription: y5hfu1


3. Create the conversion events within the Amplify dashboard. Please note, an “Install” event must also be created, although Adjust does not require a token for installs.

  • Examples: Install, Account Created, Subscription


4. Campaign is created by you or your designated Outbrain Account Manager, including the desired tracking parameters and a specific callback URL. Please find our list of supported dynamic parameters here.

For Adjust, the general callback pattern for conversion events is the following:

  • install_callback=https%3A%2F%2Ftr.outbrain.com%2Fpixel%3Fob_click_id%3D{{ob_click_id}}%26name%3DInstall
  • event_callback_TOKEN1=https%3A%2F%2Ftr.outbrain.com%2Fpixel%3Fob_click_id%3D{{ob_click_id}}%26name%3DEVENTNAME1
  • event_callback_TOKEN2=https%3A%2F%2Ftr.outbrain.com%2Fpixel%3Fob_click_id%3D{{ob_click_id}}%26name%3DEVENTNAME2

In your campaign’s tracking parameters, the token placeholders must be replaced with the actual tokens (provided by client). The event names must be reflective of how they are labeled in Amplify:

  • Example: If you call the event Account Created within Amplify, it will look like: %26name%3DAccount%2520Created (if event contains a whitespace you have to use double encoded %2520)

The event names within Adjust do not need to match what’s in Amplify, as Outbrain solely relies on their event token as the identifier.

  • Sample Ad URL: https://app.adjust.com/abc123
  • Sample Tracking Parameters (need to contain the install callback and event callbacks per provided token):



5. If you would like to direct users to your landing page, you’ll need to add a tracking parameter with your URL-encoded landing page in the following format: redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.common-redirect-website.com%2Fmy-app


Complete example (combining steps 1-5):


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