Our Advertising Guidelines

Trust & Authenticity

Great Recommendations Inspire Action

Here at Outbrain, one of our key differentiators is that our platform is filled with high-quality, reliable content from premium publishers and marketers alike. Our overlying goal is to create a great discovery experience for consumers online.

To do this, we've developed advertising guidelines to help you understand what can (and cannot) be promoted on our platform. Keep in mind, Outbrain reserves the right to reject or block any content for any reason at our sole discretion, even after post-launch, if we feel that it compromises the safety or quality of the user experience. Also, both publishers and marketers can choose to block pages or sources that they don't feel resonate with their brands.

If you encounter any content that violates Outbrain's guidelines, or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly Support team.

We hope to see your content on our platform soon.

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