Outbrain’s Commitment to Publishers’ Long-Term Sustainability and Consumer Trust
For those interested in better understanding Outbrain’s decade of commitments to consumer trust and publishers’ long-term sustainability, here’s some extra reading and watching materials:
- Testbericht.de, November 2016, Test of 100 News Sites in Germany: Outbrain Does Not Deliver Fake News
- Recode, June 2014, Content Recommender Outbrain Bans “Fake” Content From Advertisers
- Outbrain Blog, May 2017: “Fact vs. Fiction: Defining Fake News and Tackling the Industry-Wide Challenge”
- Media Post, February 2016: “Outbrain CEO Yaron Galai: Publishers Get Paid With Readers’ Attention”
- Outbrain’s Blog, September 2015: “The Long-Term Value of Trust in Digital Media”
- MediaShift (by Yaron Galai), June 2014: “You Are What You Recommend: Publishers Must Be Vigilant with ‘Related Links’ Revenue”
- DM News, July 2014: “Content recommender Outbrain is banning ads that look like link-bait articles”
- AdAge, November 2012: “Outbrain Expects 25% Revenue Hit As It Cuts Off Spammy Content Marketers”
- Pando, August 2012:“It Took Yaron Galai Four Startups to Build the One He Always Wanted to Build“
- MediaShift (by Yaron Galai), June 2014: “You Are What You Recommend: Publishers Must Be Vigilant with ‘Related Links’ Revenue”
- Yaron Galai interview on TWIST, November 2011
Additionally, for those interested in becoming more critical readers, here’s a list of suggested media literacy materials and resources and ways to get involved:
- LAMPLIT, The LAMP (Learning About Multimedia Project)
- A Field Guide to Fake News, First Draft & Public Data Lab
- 22×20, The LAMP (Learning About Multimedia Project)