Outbrain’s Press Center

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  • News

Apple’s Safari Cut Off All Workarounds For Cross-Site Tracking – Now What?

Apple’s announcement Wednesday that it will fully block all third-party cookies in Safari by default …

  • Thought Leadership

How publishers need to evolve to thrive in this new era

Victor Charpin, Head of Platforms of Outbrain, illustrates some factors that digital publications should pay attention to in order to have a competitive advantage in 2020 and beyond

  • Thought Leadership

Challenging the Data Discussion: Why User-Based Targeting Isn’t the Answer

With 2020 in full swing, there has been a lot of talk about the shift away from user-based targeting.

  • Thought Leadership

No more free gardens – the free web as we know it is under attack

Imagine a beautiful spring Sunday in New York City. Very few things are more delightful than being able to stroll in Central Park and have a picnic on the sprawling grass next to Turtle Pond.

  • Media Article

Can We Save the Open Web?

–  Open web ad tech solutions have to evolve to be able to deliver the same impact as the walled gardens. – Over the next decade, we’ll see the death of banners and intrusive ads. – Impression-based business models are antiquated.