What's Possible

Rethink how Outbrain can help you harness the open internet opportunity to drive beautiful brand outcomes.

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Outbrain connects businesses with engaged audiences, using AI prediction technology to drive better marketing and business results.

David Kostman CEO
David Kostman, CO-CEO

Solutions that captivate audiences and optimize outcomes

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Predicting action.

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Predicting attention.

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Get Attention,


Drive Outcomes

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  • Elegant creative experiences that elevate your brand
  • Predictive technology that finds high attention moments
  • Quality environments that drive real brand outcomes

Brand-Building. Re-Imagined.

case study // Leica

+65% higher attention score vs. standard display
1.5x lift in brand choice after exposure

case study // Nissan

>+61% attention vs. HID benchmark
70% viewability rate

case study // Ad Council

+31% attention vs. video & display
76% viewability

Recognized across the industry